167810010 Ethyl acetate, 99.5+%, for spectroscopy 141-78-6 1LT
167810025 Ethyl acetate, 99.5+%, for spectroscopy 141-78-6 2.5LT
167815000 Ethyl acetate, 99.5+%, for spectroscopy 141-78-6 500ML
167820010 n-Heptane, for HPLC, approx. 95% n-heptane 142-82-5 1LT
167820025 n-Heptane, for HPLC, approx. 95% n-heptane 142-82-5 2.5LT
167830025 Methanol, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 67-56-1 2.5LT
167835000 Methanol, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 67-56-1 500ML
167840010 2-Methylbutane, 99+%, for spectroscopy 78-78-4 1LT
167840250 2-Methylbutane, 99+%, for spectroscopy 78-78-4 25ML
167842500 2-Methylbutane, 99+%, for spectroscopy 78-78-4 250ML
167850010 Methyl sulfoxide, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 67-68-5 1LT
167850025 Methyl sulfoxide, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 67-68-5 2.5LT
167851000 Methyl sulfoxide, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 67-68-5 100ML
167852500 Methyl sulfoxide, 99.9%, for spectroscopy 67-68-5 250ML
167860025 Nitromethane, 96%, for spectroscopy 75-52-5 2.5LT
167865000 Nitromethane, 96%, for spectroscopy 75-52-5 500ML
167870025 n-Pentane, 99+%, for spectroscopy 109-66-0 2.5LT
167875000 n-Pentane, 99+%, for spectroscopy 109-66-0 500ML
167880010 Isopropanol, 99+%, for spectroscopy 67-63-0 1LT
167880025 Isopropanol, 99+%, for spectroscopy 67-63-0 2.5LT
167890010 Tetrachloroethylene, 99+%, spectrophotometric grade 127-18-4 1LT
167890025 Tetrachloroethylene, 99+%, spectrophotometric grade 127-18-4 2.5LT
167890100 Tetrachloroethylene, 99+%, spectrophotometric grade 127-18-4 10LT
167900010 Toluene, 99+%, for spectroscopy 108-88-3 1LT
167900025 Toluene, 99+%, for spectroscopy 108-88-3 2.5LT
268260010 Acetonitrile, 99.9%, for HPLC, far UV, conform Eur.Ph. 75-05-8 1LT
268260025 Acetonitrile, 99.9%, for HPLC, far UV, conform Eur.Ph. 75-05-8 2.5LT
268270010 Acetonitrile, 99.8%, for HPLC 75-05-8 1LT
268270025 Acetonitrile, 99.8%, for HPLC 75-05-8 2.5LT
268280010 Methanol, 99.8%, for HPLC 67-56-1 1LT
268280025 Methanol, 99.8%, for HPLC 67-56-1 2.5LT
268290010 Tetrahydrofuran, 99.8%, for HPLC, unstabilized 109-99-9 1LT
268290025 Tetrahydrofuran, 99.8%, for HPLC, unstabilized 109-99-9 2.5LT
268295000 Tetrahydrofuran, 99.8%, for HPLC, unstabilized 109-99-9 500ML
268300010 Water, for HPLC gradient grade 7732-18-5 1LT
268300025 Water, for HPLC gradient grade 7732-18-5 2.5LT
268310010 Acetone, 99.8%, for HPLC 67-64-1 1LT
268310025 Acetone, 99.8%, for HPLC 67-64-1 2.5LT
268320010 Chloroform, for HPLC, stabilized with amylene 67-66-3 1LT
268320025 Chloroform, for HPLC, stabilized with amylene 67-66-3 2.5LT
268330010 Dichloromethane, 99.8%, for HPLC, stabilized with amylene 75-09-2 1LT
268330025 Dichloromethane, 99.8%, for HPLC, stabilized with amylene 75-09-2 2.5LT
268340010 1,4-Dioxane, 99.5%, for HPLC 123-91-1 1LT
268340025 1,4-Dioxane, 99.5%, for HPLC 123-91-1 2.5LT
268350010 Ethyl acetate, 99.5+%, for HPLC 141-78-6 1LT
268350025 Ethyl acetate, 99.5+%, for HPLC 141-78-6 2.5LT
268360010 Hexanes, for HPLC, contains ca. 95% n-Hexane 92112-69-1 1LT
268360025 Hexanes, for HPLC, contains ca. 95% n-Hexane 92112-69-1 2.5LT
268370010 Toluene, 99.85%, for HPLC 108-88-3 1LT
268370025 Toluene, 99.85%, for HPLC 108-88-3 2.5LT
268390010 Potassium bromate, 99.5%, for analysis 7758-01-2 1KG
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