Màng lọc Membrance solutions

Màng lọc Membrance solutions

  • Syring filter, Diameter (mm), Pore Size (µm)
  • Màng lọc Nilon,13, 25, 30mm,0.22, 0.45
  • Màng lọc PTFE
  • Màng lọc Cellulosw Actate
  • Màng lọc MCE
  • Màng lọc sợi thủy tinh
  • Màng lọc vi sinh
  • Màng lọc HPLC
  • Syringe lọc cho sắc ký, cho máy hòa tan
  • Chai Vial 1.5ml, 2ml

Hãng sản xuất: Membrance Solutions chuyên sản xuất màng lọc, cột lọc, syringe lọc, chai vial

Màng lọc dung môi (Ø25 x 0.45µm)

MS® Syringe filters are purpose-built with features designed to bring the highest levels of performance and purity to your research. We incorporate a variety of membranes to offer separation and purification solutions for the majority of your laboratory needs. MS®CA Syringe filters are suitable for the filtration of aqueous solutions. Cellulose Acetate combine high flow rates and thermal stability with very low absorption characteristics. Especially 0.22μm pore size CA Membrane excellently suited for sterilization aqueous solutions, buffers, sera and media.

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