Nuve product

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Nuve product

Linh Nam Equipment is a distributor of Nuve Product in Viet Nam. Established 50 years ago in 1968, NÜVE is one of the fastest expanding manufacturers of laboratory and sterilization instrumentation in the world today with a steadily increasing product range.Quickly becoming market leader in our home country, the major proportion of our production is today exported to over 105 countries worldwide and the brand is established as a driving force in the development of new products.

  1. EN 032,EN 055, EN 120, EN 300, EN 400 and  EN 500 incubator
  2. EN 032N, EN 055N and EN 120N Incubator.
  3. FN 032, FN 055, FN 120, FN3 00, FN 400, FN 500 Heating & Dry heat sterilizer 
  4. FN 400P & FN 500P force Dry Heat Sterilizer.
  5. FN 032N, FN 055N & FN 120N Dry Heat Sterilizer with memory data ten years.
  6. ES 120, ES 252 & ES 600 Cooling Incubator.
  7. NB 5/9/20 Water Bath.
  8. ST 30 Shaking Water Bath 
  9. BM 15 & BM 30 Stirred Water Bath.
  10. BS 30 Stirred refrigerated Water Bath.
  11. NF 024, NF 048, NF 200, NF 400, NF 800 & NF 1200 Centrifuge 
  12. NF 400R, NF 800R and NF 1200R Refrigerated Centrifuge.
  13.  MN 090 and MN 120 Microbiological Safety Cabinets
  14. LN 090 and LN 120 Vertical Laminar flow cabinets
  15. KN 72, KN 120 and  KN 294 Blood banking.
  16. PN 150 and PN 300 Platelet Incubator
  17. MD 72, MD 120 and MD 294 Medical Rifrigerated
  18. FR 290, FR 490 and FR 590 Deep Freezers.
  19. DR 290, DR 490 and DR 590 Ultra Low Temperature  Deep Freezers
  20. NC 23B, NC 23S and  NC 32S Bench Top Steam Sterilizer
  21. NC 40M and NC 90M Steam Sterilizer
  22. NC100 Steam Sterilizer
  23. NC 150, NC 300, NC 430, NC 570 &  NC 710 Single Door Steam Sterilizer.
  24. NC 150D, NC 300D, NC430D, NC 570D & NC 710D Double Door Steam Sterilizer.
  25. NS103 and ND 4 Water Distillers 
  26. ND 8 and ND 12 Water Distillers 
  27. TK Series Climatic Test Chamber (TK 120, TK 252 và TK 600)
  28. GC 401 Grwoth Chamber
  29. ID 301 Climatic test chamber
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