cột sắc ký USP L17

USP L17 – cột sắc ký

thông số kỹ thuật:

LINK 1: http://www.zodiaclifesciences.com/application/carbohydrates

LINK 2: http://www.zodiaclifesciences.com/application/carbohydrate-analysis-column

The column is made of spherical, porous, Polystyrene Divinyl benzene copolymer of 8.0% crosslinkage, with Ligand exchange Potassium (K) form and with particle size of 9µm. 


1. Columns are packed with chemically very stable polymeric phases of PS /DVB.

2. The varied percentage cross-linkage of copolymers and varied particle sizes gives choice of

    selecting required column.

3. High temperature stability is exhibited by the columns (up to 95°C).

4. Excellent performance and consistency is guaranteed from column to column and batch to


5. Choice of eluents can be used depending on the column and compound requirement, the

    simplest eluent being is Water.

6. Any required combination of cross-linkage, particle size, metal ligands or other column

    specifications can be provided on request.

Technical Details

Material type: Polymer (PS/DVB)
Material Purity: 99.999 %
Cross Linkage: 8%
Ionic Form : Pottasium
Particle size   : 9 µm
Key Samples  : Sugar samples such as brewing wort, butaine.
Comments : Use with samples containing Pottasium.

Analysis Condition;

  • Eluent: DDI H2O
  • Flow Rate: 0.6 ml/min
  • Detector: Refractive Index
  • Temperature: 85°C
  • Column; Zodiac Carb 87K(300mm x 7.8mm,8um)


  • Potassium form 8µm ligand exchange resin with 8% cross-linking
  • Compatible replacement for the Bio-Rad Aminex HPX 87K
  • Target application corn syrup and molasses

Column Name :Zodiac Carb 87KCompound Name :Glucose

Link 1: http://www.zodiaclifesciences.com/application/carbohydrate-analysis-column

link 2: http://www.zodiaclifesciences.com/application/carbohydrates

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