Tủ ấm EN120N

Model EN120N

Hãng sản xuất: NUVE

thông số kỹ thuật

– Thể tích: 120 lít

– Nhiệt độ cài đặt: trên nhiệt độ môi trường +5oC đến 99.9oC

– Cài đặt thời gian: 1 phút đến 99.9 giờ hoặc liên tục

– Cài đặt thời gian chờ: 1 phút đến 99.9 giờ

– Bộ nhớ lưu 10 data dữ liệu

Ứng dụng:

– Phân tích vi sonh vật phòng thí nghiệm thực phẩm

– Phân tích vi sinh vật phòng thí nghiệm dược phẩm

– Tủ ấm EN120N dùng nghiên cứu và nuôi cấy vi sinh vật

  • Excellent incubation conditions are provided by this series of EN incubators for applications in biology and microbiology laboratories such as medical and veterinary fields; research and quality control examinations in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries and biotechnology.
  • Minimized potential for cross-contamination is assured by natural convection without turbulence.
  • Precise temperature control, ensuring that your samples remain in a stable environment, is achieved N-Prime™ control system preventing drift and offering fast temperature recovery after door opening.
  • Two different sizes: 55 and 120 liters
  • Temperature range: Ambient Temperature +5°C / 99,9°C
  • Air jacketed heating system for highly precise and constant temperatures
  • Very homogeneous temperature distribution by natural air convection: Minimum turbulence and no cross contamination
  • Triple insulation consisting of glass wool, aluminum layer and air gap for high efficiency
  • Stainless steel chamber having smooth surfaces for easy cleaning and decontamination
  • Frameless inner glass door for observation of the samples without any temperature drop
  • Reliable and accurate N-Prime™ programmable PID microprocessor control system
  • User friendly control panel including large bright LED displays for temperature and time
  • Easy programming with one button, just turn and push
  • Password protected menu to secure the operation
  • Programmable alarm limits
  • Data recording on memory stick by means of USB port up to 125 days
  • Programmable delayed start function
  • Highly visible dual displays for temperature and time
  • Adjustable independent safety thermostat which takes over control in case of any failure
  • Optional Wi-Fi connection for N-Mobile™
  • Optional N-Smart™ control system
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